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This site is for updates about the Mars Desert Research Station Crew 200 Mission.

"We are an international crew, dedicated to promoting the colonization of Mars through Science Research, STEM, Education and Outreach"

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Antoine Bocquier

Reduced crew EVA for mapping radio coverage

We conducted the first 3-crew member EVA to explore and map the regions with safe communication. We applied a communication protocol to control the radio strength/readability (QSA/QRK codes) every minute and communicate GPS coordinates every 5mn. We planned contingency plans for loss of signal and navigation. Afterwards, we mapped the locations of perceived path by each crew member against the estimated path based on recorded GPS coordinates.

We could not explore as much area as planned (we planned to have a walk to Phobos’s Peak) given the time left but the experiment was a success, both on the EVA crew and HabCom sides for a 3-member crew.

We will also develop a risk analysis matrix for three-member EVAs based on our experiences. We are motivated to contribute fresh knowledge in the area of reduced crew EVAs for the benefit of MDRS and beyond.

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The Mars Desert Research Station, Utah, USA

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